


Aberystwyth's Computer Science department has its own society: AberCompSoc – linked with the Aberystwyth Student's Union. It has been running for years but only linked with the Union a few years ago. I started attending at the beginning of my third year (2016/17). The society events were great and gave me the chance to meet others in the department.

Near the end of the academic year, the Annual General Meeting was scheduled and the next committee were to be voted in; I guess I thought I could make a difference to the society, and it's something else to put on the CV. I made a quick, small speech:

"As president of CompSoc, I will assist in it growing to become a bigger and stronger society within the university: I have a lot of ideas that can help it stand out from the rest."

I was elected President!

With luck, my presidential "reign" will be successful and not too stressful during my Masters – my focus is having exciting events in the future for new students and current members to enjoy.