


For a year or two now, I have been planning to make a pillow for my family as a Christmas gift. Turns out I am quite lazy and kept putting it off. However, I have finally started and figured I would start with a small pillow as a suitable test.
I collected multiple pieces of fabric and cut them up into quarters, then used two spare pieces for my test. I donated an old t-shirt to cut up and use to stuff the pillow, which is now a "phone bed". The small pillow sewing was a little messy but I knew how to improve.

I started the big pillow on the 5th August ~11:45 and finished it @23:20. All completed in a day and my fingers hurt towards the end. Stitching took ~6 hours (w/ breaks) however stuffing took another ~6 hours (cutting up fabric to make sure it was fluffy).

I enjoyed this project and hopefully it'll become a new hobby! I'm happy I was able to use recycled fabrics because I'm trying to be more eco-friendly. I hope to buy a sewing machine soon and make more things.

small pillow reddit post of the small pillow test

bigger pillow reddit post