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I created a lower correlation matrix of all the fashion topic terms to observe the correlation of sentiment.


Some things to note in the table below. We can see there is a lack of deeper green colours so I have noted limes. Gingham seems to correlate with a positive sentiment with country fashion, blouses, and the colour pink. Other fashion topics with a positive correlation include sapphire, purple, and eyeliner. Interestingly sweater and stripes correlate.

On the other hand, negative sentiment correlations include season terms summer and winter, specifically colours. Summer had a negative correlation with stripes, eyeliner, and the colour black. Whilst winter had a negative relationship with red and blue.

High correlation Low correlation
lipstick & brown summer & brown
purple & eyeliner heels & red
purple & yellow summer & stripes
blouse & country winter & red
sapphire & purple winter & blue
gingham & country eyeliner & summer
sapphire & blouse summer & black
stripes & sweater  
gingham & blouse  
pink & gingham  

Below dives in deeper with two terms with correlated highly with others, sweater and purple. We can see that sweater has a high positive correlation with stripes, cardigan, dating, and pink (0.6<x).

On the other hand, purple correlates with yellow, eyeliner, and sapphire (0.7<x), but correlates the most low with summer (-0.1>x)

Sweater Purple
heatmap sweater heatmap purple



The above boxplot shows sentiment analysis across of fashion terms with deeper insight into the plots below.

Compared to other fashion accessories, the ring is lower sentiment whilst a bracelet is higher. Eyeliner is a high sentiment on average compared to mascara (lower). In patterns: despite stripes having a positive correlation with sweater, it is on average lower sentiment. Finally, heels and boots have a lower sentiment as footwear compared to pumps, trainers, and sandles.

boxplot accessories boxplot makeup
boxplot patterns boxplot shoes

End of page.

Samantha Pendleton | | Twitter | GitHub